Debates of Ages









This section is the motherboard of the site, for experts, fans, columnist, and players that love to debate who truly is the best at their position, era, and rivalry. The debates of generations are always up for debate, who’s better Jordan or Kobe.

The older generations follow the rivalry of the best centers of Wilt vs Russell, who was the better player. Russell has nine more rings than Wilt, but many will argue that Wilt was the better player but didn’t have as much talent on his team.

Then some love to discuss one of the only rivalries that started in college and remain relevant in the NBA of Bird vs Magic. Who had more success in each encounter, forgetting about Magic outdueling Bird in rings five to three. Bird from Indiana St. played Magic while he was at Michigan St, to adding onto the already established rivalry of the Celtics vs the Lakers.

This page will have more journalism content and length in stories, for columns will be provided on the various debates people continue to discuss today.




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